We started by bringing our premiere skin care and professional grade makeup to everyone. We watched confidence rise in the people using our products, and self esteem soar in the beauty guides on our team that were selling the products. We worked together to train each other, leveraging the individual strengths of our team members. We aligned, empowered, and grew. Within four years we became the largest team in LimeLife by Alcone history, with over 15,000 beauty guides and launched our team internationally.
Together we have created an inclusive community and a culture that boasts authenticity and abundance. We have watched leadership emerge and personal development become a priority in business development. We have collectively donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to our Brighter Together Foundation; an organization that empowers the same in third world countries around the globe.
The day the FACE Crew was identified a vision was realized. We have learned that every single face in this crew was part of a bigger picture to bring Faith, Authentically Connecting and Empowering people. We were Founding Artists Cultivating and Empire, but back in 2014 when this all began we had no idea what kind of empire we were founding.
By the way, did you catch our F.A.C.E. Crew acronyms there? Cute, right?
This growth doesn’t come alone. When you join the FACE Crew, you have joined a team that has your back. We have developed comprehensive training from makeup skills and techniques to business basics and organization. You are an important part of our team from your first day, and we are committed to creating and opportunity for growth in leadership in every single member of our team, and we are excited to learn from you on this journey.
What if this time there were no catch? No minimum sales, no gimmicky products, no pressure to build a team, but the support and freedom to grow your business, your way. This time you get the power of numbers on your side. A collaborative culture of thousands men and women that have locked arms with one goal in mind: your success.
Here’s the real catch. We all succeed when you do, and you will soon find that when we succeed, you are a part of that story. We have developed the tools that you need to succeed in network marketing from the ground up, and we can’t wait to share that with you.
If you have already met a beauty guide, you’re already in good hands. Please reach out to them to find out how to join. If you do not have a beauty guide, we can connect you to someone that would be a great fit to lead you in the direction of your dreams.

Learn more about joining our team in our casual Facebook Group geared toward potential beauty guides.

© 2018